Monday, August 18, 2008

Sorry, Trust Me

Man. I really wish I had some interesting news for y'all. It is S-L-O-W going right now. Brandon, one of the AEs (account executives), told me it's usually like this around this time. Advertisers have just spent a bunch of money on their summer promos and are gearing up to start the big holiday push in the fall, since it comes earlier and earlier every year. So basically, nobody wants to spend any money right now. Which means I have nothing to do but gchat and blog and blogstalk and facebookcreep and complain about how bored I am.

Honestly, I feel kind of bad. I am a total waste of resources for the company right now. I got paid for an entire day's work having accomplished the following: writing new headlines for an ad that the client didn't even ask for, Windexing the glass table in the breakroom, and drinking a cup and a half of coffee. I'd be tempted to talk to my boss about only coming in four days a week or something, to make better use of everyone's time, but we're supposed to hear back about this new business pitch any minute now--for the past week. And if we get it, we are going to be swamped right off the bat. So it's the old hurry-up-and-wait game.

It's very frustrating, because we had kind of assumed they would make their decision week before last. When they didn't, they promised us it would be by the end of last week. When they called on Friday, they said it would be first thing this week, presumably today. Come to find out, they called back and left a message on Saturday saying they were in the middle of deciding which PR firm to hire as well, so now it's "the earlier part" of this week. So, if we're lucky, maybe by Thursday we should know something. Keep your fingers crossed!

Everyone at work says I should enjoy the downtime while it lasts. No, thank you. I don't know how to be bored. It makes me irritable. And then I blog these cranky posts instead of the amusing and joyful illustrated posts of yore. Grrr... I am not liking this client already. I almost hate to think how things would be if they decide to work with us.

Funniest thing I have to share (and it's not much, so don't get excited):
I decided to walk a few blocks over to Starbucks, mainly because sitting in the office was driving me crazy and giving me hypothermia (people here are wild about their AC even though they don't really need it that much, in a Texan's opinion). This lady, who was, shall we say, not the most well-put-together-looking individual and probably did not stay as thin as she was through diet and exercise, jaywalks very close to a couple of oncoming cars. Well, one of the AEs had walked over with me and he saw this and says, "Did you see that lady jaywalk? Man, those cars almost hit her." And then we realize there's a cop standing right behind us, because he takes off sprinting (in reality, huffing and puffing) after her. The lady started trying to kind of run too, and it was like a race between an out of shape cop and a rundown crackhead. Ha. I don't know, this is sounding like one of those things you probably had to be there to appreciate, but it was fairly entertaining.

And I'll save you the suspense: the cop caught her.

Eight more minutes until quitting time. Here's to better posts in the future.


1 comment:

Dad said...

You are a great writer & I smile everytime I read your stuff.Keep it up !!!