Monday, August 25, 2008

The good, the meh, and the ugly.

The Good:
I saw the end of a rainbow today. For real. It was cool. No leprechauns. No pots of gold. Cool nonetheless.

The Meh:
My agency did not get that new client we pitched. In my opinion, it's probably a good thing. Who wants to deal with that? But it is sad after all of the hard work everyone put into it, and people at the office were a little disheartened today. Meh.

The Ugly:
Time of death: 7:21 pm Hawaii time. RIP, my iPhone. I have absolutely no clue what is going on with it. On Friday, it started being weird, turning on and off without any sort of prompt from me. I reset it, and that seemed to solve the problem. Until yesterday, when it started doing the same thing, only, like, every five freaking minutes. I sucked its brains out and restored the factory settings, and it seemed okay. Until this afternoon.

UGH. I've done everything on the freaking troubleshooting website, so I'm going to take it into the Apple Store tomorrow during my lunch hour or after work, because luckily it's not far from my office. My guess is, they are probably going to tell me it's my fault and I have to buy a new one. Balls.

If that's the case, I may just cancel my service and get a local number here. There's a company here called Mobi, it provides really cheap service, but only works on the island (like Criket).

I guess I kind of need to figure out if I plan on staying here long(er) term; I don't know, I'm putting way to much thought into this right now--the point is, if you try to call me, you probably won't be able to reach me until further notice. Unfortunate timing, hopefully I can get the issue resolved by my birthday so I can receive all of your warm wishes, but we'll see.

Anyhow, sorry for the inconvenience! Thanks for reading my rant! I will keep you all updated as to whether my 512 number is restored or if I get a new Hawaii number. Until then, feel free to email!

Yours phonelessly,

1 comment:

Dad said...

It sounds like you are getting sick and tired of handing out million dollar ass whippings on ten dollar ass. Hang in there--no one said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it. Your adventure will lead to huge opportunities, either there or elsewhere because you have the resolve and vision. THE UNDERDOG WILL BE HOWLING SOON !!!!!!
Happy 22nd Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!